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The Zen of Slow Cooking

Chicago, USA

founded 2012

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Meg Barnhart is the Founder and CEO, her Partner Jane is the COO. Together, over 10 years, they co-created the award winning Zen of Slow Cooking brand and helped grow a more confident community of home cooks.


Put simply, The Zen of Slow Cooking is a women owned premium spice blend and meal-kit business with a strong desire to do good in the world. ZOSC develop and manufacture spice blends, including recipes on the back of the pouch designed to be used with the slow cooker (Crockpot), and the pressure cooker (Instant Pot) 


Heart & Soul


"The soul of The Zen of Slow Cooking lies in our desire to help the home cook find a little more Zen in the kitchen and our heart lies in the dream of helping adults with developmental challenges find independence in life through slow cooking." Meg & Jane


The Back Story...


In 2012 Meg Barnhart, founder of the The Zen of Slow Cooking, wanted to create a business that could employ individuals with learning challenges - adults like her son, Doug.

When she started slow cooking in 2006 to ease her mom / mum-guilt and get a healthy dinner on the table, she never imagined the slow cooker would be a vehicle for change. Jump to 2011 and with her vision in place, she began looking for a partner to help turn her dream into a reality...when Meg met Jane. Together they launched their slow cooking whole foods recipe blog www.the with the intention to bring people back to the table. Shortly after launch, adapting their most popular recipes, they created a line of premium, Non-GMO spice blends to help the home cook. 


Meg and Jane's award winning partnership has ridden the waves of brand growth.  From farmers' markets into mainstream distribution across the U.S, they managed a successful team and e-commerce business in multiple channels raising the next generation of home cooks.

© 2021 Astute Ideas

Bristol and beyond

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