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about Jane

Astute was born out of business founder Jane McKay's desire to help others flourish.


Innovative and approachable, Jane is passionate about business finding their sweet spot. She brings 10+ years experience of growing a B Corp Certified CPG brand in the food and beverage sector in the US, to UK shores. 


Jane graduated from the University of Newcastle with a degree in Food

Marketing. Her journey took her through technical sales for small business to delivering larger scale systems implementions for organisations such as British Telecom.


Jane and her family moved to Chicago in 2011, where she changed direction and became founder partner and COO at the Zen of Slow Cooking. Having cut her teeth in this fast-moving CPG environment, Jane is realizing her next chapter, crystallizing her expertise to help brands expand to the U.S, and solve their strategic and operational challenges.


Jane's work is infused with her passion for living alcohol-free, food and travel, and she now lives in Bristol in the UK, a hub of world leading and SME business activity. 

© 2021 Astute Ideas

Bristol and beyond

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